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Refer someone to Chatterbox!
Do you love what we do and want to help?
Or want to bring Chatterbox to your workplace?
If you know anyone who works in HR or Learning and Development we’d love to tell them all about our world-changing language learning programmes. And if changing the world isn’t incentive enough, for every successful referral we’ll give you £100.
Join the movement
Chatterbox language coaches are an inspiring collective of degree-educated native-speakers from around the globe. Yet like millions of other refugees and marginalised professionals, they are underemployed.
Every Chatterbox language course directly supports these remarkable humans. Can you help us spread the word so we can help more people get their careers back on track?
Support our mission on LinkedIn
Don’t know anyone who fits the bill?
You can still help by sharing our introduction post about Chatterbox on your LinkedIn.
As you probably know, Chatterbox offers language training powered by the talent of refugees and other marginalised professionals.
Every Chatterbox language course provides meaningful, professional employment to someone whose skills are likely to be overlooked, through no fault of their own.
Sharing information about what we do with your network is one of the most effective ways to support our mission and help us grow.
We will send your contact an email with a little information about Chatterbox.
You can read the contents of that email here. -
If the contact you refer to Chatterbox purchases a Chatterbox package, then you are eligible to receive £100!
Unfortunately, we cannot offer a reward for referring a contact who does not go on to become a Chatterbox customer, but you have our sincere thanks.If your referral is successful, we will be in touch via the email you provided. The reward will be £100 cash, paid through PayPal, or the equivalent in vouchers.
Yes please! We’d really appreciate it if you shared our introduction post on LinkedIn.
Every new person we can reach will make a difference.